Monday, October 22, 2007

Personal Identity Branding / Reputation Management

A lot of people are currently talking about product branding. You know, giving your product that irresistible image that gives everyone the urge to try and use it/buy it/talk about it, etc. Well today, I want to talk about personal personal identity branding (if there is a better name for this, please let me know). I was stumbling across the web awhile ago and I found a site called Ziki. They are a social networking-esque site that will sponsor your name on google for free. Skeptic at first, I registered for their service. Low and behold, a few days later, my name had its own link on google aligned to the right of the rest of the search results. I believe that having your name appear first on search engines is vital to your success as a blogger/designer/freelancer/whatever, as people quickly associate your name with your personality. Another concept I have been pondering is that of linking sites together, in weblike fashion, that have any personal information contained on them. Lets say I have my Ziki page, and then I have my myspace page, and then I have my facebook page, and then I have my Gooruze page, and then there's my blog. I should have a link to all of these pages on each of these pages. That way, a person has one click access to anything pertaining to what I might be doing. I believe this will highly increase the amount of clients I get and the amount of traffic to my sites. What do you guys think?Does linking all your sites together help to better promote yourself or do you think that it just creates more "link spam" for people to sift through?

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