Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Custom GTD System

I've started a GTD spinoff system that seems to be getting the job done fairly well. I take an Unmodded PocketMod (I don't use any of the mods, I just fold a piece of paper) and start using it for my capture device.

Any money transactions I make, I put a $ symbol next to it (e.g. $ Lunch 2.00, $ Gas 10.00). If its a TODO Item I make a box next to it, so I can check it off when the task is complete. If its a note to self, i usually don't add anything special. If I can't finish a task by the end of the day, I put a circle around my box by the task. Here is an example.

$ Lunch 4.00 (Money transaction)
Take out trash (Completed Task)
Call Dad (Yet to be completed)
- Sunday is father's day (Note to self)
Clean Room (Task to be completed tomorrow)

(*Google sucks when it comes to graphics, took me awhile to figure the best way to stick those images I made in there :: Images created with the GIMP.)

In the morning, I review my PocketMod of the previous day and add any entries that have circles. I also check my Google Calendar and add anything that happens to be there for that specific day.

At the end of the day i put my PocketMod in my Review box (a cardboard box) and at the end of the week, I review my PocketMods (I have only been doing this for a couple of days, so this is still a work in progress). Please leave comments or any ideas you have for how you think I can improve my system.

-- SideNote -- Preview your posts before you publish them, or else they can get ugly.

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